Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Return

I wasn't even at camp a week. Monday through Saturday. Six days I was gone. But good golly am I tired. I've lots of stuff to post on, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'm so badly in need of a shower. But Christ was good to us this week, protecting us from the heat, and we saw Him work in powerful ways.

On a different note, I'll answer the questions you raised in your massive comment (man, you sure can write) in the coming days, Ryan. But I'm hesitant to discuss the eucharist on here with you because it is a very powerful, divisive issue.

You know I'm not Catholic, so you know I won't see eye to eye with the Catholic Church on this issue. But I've studied the issue long, and spent many nights reading debates on this issue between people whose qualifications far outweigh mine in speaking intelligibly on the subject. I won't subject you to my criticism without your permission. I do this because I would not risk offending haphazardly. I won't shy from the truth with you nor anyone, but neither shall I brandish it like a weapon.

From the looks of this post, Mr. Herr (if I were a German teacher, I'd be having a fit over that one) is out of town, doing nearly the same thing I was last week. I guess most of this issue will be put on hold until his return.

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