You'd think this was turning into a WoW blog, but it really isn't. I have all kinds of other things to write about. For example . . . um . . .
Hey look, another
WoW blog topic!
With 11 classes, 34 total specializations, and 13 different races, you have plenty of options for the game. A few more couldn't hurt . . . right? |
If you aren't familiar with the class specializations in WoW, let's start at the beginning.
WoW has always had three specializations (specs) for the classes. These would allow you to distinguish your character from others of the same class, as well as offering different gameplay. This could be minor, such as the difference between two different DPS specs, or it could be major, such as the difference between a tanking and a healing spec.
A few classes have bucked the three-spec rule at various times.
Death Knights started out in
Wrath of the Lich King where each of the three specs could be a tank or a DPS spec. Blizzard eventually removed this capability, making one spec exclusively a tank spec, while the other two stayed DPS.
Druids always had three specs, but the original melee spec, Feral, supported two druid playstyles and shapeshift forms. Cat form was the druid melee DPS, while bear form was the druid tank. Although each spec had its own talent tree, most of the abilities in the druid talent tree had caveats in the form of, "If you are in Bear form, X; if you are in Cat form, Y." Eventually, Blizzard simplified this by making each a separate spec, resulting in druids being the only class in WoW to have four specs.
The question of how to add a fourth spec to the other classes has been a popular topic of speculation since that change. I certainly wouldn't mind it being done, although it's not like we lack for options in the game as is. Where I'll disagree with others when this topic is broached is in the right way to make it happen. As I see it, there are a few principles to consider in any proposed changes to the classes:
- Does it fit with the lore/theme/flavor of the class?
- Does it require changing the mechanics of the class?
- Does it require changes to any other game features?
- Does it fill a niche, or conflict with existing archetypes?
- Is it intuitive to new and/or existing players?
To my mind, most of the ideas floated for new specs clash with at least one of the questions above. Some simply don't fit thematically, either in WoW or with classic fantasy tropes. Others would mandate adding a lot of new abilities to the classes, to the point that the classes might not be recognizable for it. Asking for certain pieces of gear to have more demand is fine, but generating unheard of themes for the classes is the wrong solution.
I won't say some of these ideas would never be introduced, or that it would be impossible to change the game to make these things possible, but their implementation would be significantly more complicated than many people realize.
All the same, some of these ideas aren't without merit. I'd like to address most of the most popular suggestions for new class specs. You might want to get comfy.