Thursday, May 19, 2005

More on PepsiCo and the commencement address

Powerline has included another post on the Columbia commencement speech by Ms. Nooyi here. I find the amount of feedback remarkable. Personally, I'd love for something like this to have happened at my graduation.

For those that don't know, I graduated from Illinois State this past weekend with a BS in Chemistry. Like all graduation ceremonies, it was long and boring. Tradition dictates that it be boring, I guess. Anyhow, we didn't have anybody famous or distinctive giving our commencement address, only our university President, Al Bowman. Even then, I'd have loved for a controversial speech. Instead, it was boring (tradition!). What was it about? I couldn't tell you. It was so utterly unremarkable that I have completley forgotten it. Oh, what I'd have given for some anti-American remark or an argument about Jesus being a gay transvestite (but that's okay!).

Predictably, some people are deciding to cease use of Pepsi products until the company apologizes for Nooyi's comments. Meanwhile, I've been told by people at school not to drink Coca-Cola products, because they use unethical business practices in their 2nd and 3rd world facilities.

I guess that means RC Cola for me. Dang.

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